Everyone can be part of this incredible art work.
Ruth Ames White, the Wells mosaic artist, has already immortalized much of the history and so many of the people and places of the City in stone and now has sight of the final section. On her six metre long workbench Ruth has laid thousands of tiles, one 30cm x 6m strip section at a time, since March 2020. As she packed away and carefully catalogued a competed section last week, the final section of the moat came into view.
“This means that it is 75% completed!” she said. “But” she added “in some ways there’s still a long way to go. The project team have to raise the money for this last 25% of the Mosaic as well as for the installation. This is a highly skilled job, with a comparable cost.”
The project has so far been funded entirely by donations large and small, and sponsorship, from £20 for each tree and cow in the Palace Fields to major buildings like the Cathedral and Bishops Palace all from within the community of Wells.
Many families and businesses will also be immortalised in the beautiful, carved blue lias stones which will surround the completed mosaic. These are still available to purchase by contacting Wells in Mosaic on contact@wellsinmosaic.org or via the website: www.wellsinmosaic.org. Before making your investment in the future of the City, you can see the work in progress at Ruth’s Studio. To arrange a visit please contact a member of the team on contact@wellsinmosaic.org